Introducing Dumanji Chicken
Hello everyone and hello world.. In this post I will be showing to you our farm in Dumanjug, Cebu, Philippines..This will also show case the result of our qualification run.. Our chicken took its name from the location of our farm which is in Dumanjug, Cebu. Dumanji farm is owned by Mr. Laureano Arnaiz, his wife Mrs. Ma. Victoria Arnaiz and yours truly.
Last September 2009 we started raising raising our first batch of free range chicken.. Our initial problem was where to find a good source of free range chickens. Had tried different suppliers but encountered major problems until I discovered Day Old Chicks (DOC) from Farmer's Choice in Manila. The chicks that they are supplying are french chickens and breed type is F1 Grimaud Freres.
Hello everyone and hello world.. In this post I will be showing to you our farm in Dumanjug, Cebu, Philippines..This will also show case the result of our qualification run.. Our chicken took its name from the location of our farm which is in Dumanjug, Cebu. Dumanji farm is owned by Mr. Laureano Arnaiz, his wife Mrs. Ma. Victoria Arnaiz and yours truly.
Last September 2009 we started raising raising our first batch of free range chicken.. Our initial problem was where to find a good source of free range chickens. Had tried different suppliers but encountered major problems until I discovered Day Old Chicks (DOC) from Farmer's Choice in Manila. The chicks that they are supplying are french chickens and breed type is F1 Grimaud Freres.
For years, it had been known for a fact that french chickens have strong resistance to environmental stresses that's why they can be freely ranged in open fields. With this, we tried to conduct a qualification run on their chickens. The Picture below shows our previous ranging area which has a capacity of 100 heads..
The picture below is our brooding area. Brooding starts when the chicks are still on their first day until age 21 days when they are now ready for ranging.. Brooding stage is the most critical phase in the life of chickens. This is where they require utmost attention.
Some photos of our chicks when they where still 7 days old..
After about 53 days, these are now their pictures and they are now on range. They feed on grasses as well as on some stray insects.. In addition to their natural foods we also feed them with feeds that doesn't contain growth enhancers and these are mainly made up of corn and crops rich in protein. This is to ensure that our chickens are raised in natural method.
There average weight at day 50 is around 1.4 kg.